My brother is painting a 15mm Viking Army for Might of Arms and I thought I’d use this space to pass on the following link. The photos of the 15mm Viking army here are simply among the best I’ve ever seen.
The 15 Mil Online Magazine – 3rd Issue
The 15 Mil is an online magazine from Peter Pig about 15mm gaming. A feature of the magazine is a “Gamette” — a small set of rules for a specific gaming scenario. The 3rd issue’s Gamette is about French Resistance destroying train tracks ahead of D-Day.
Gallery of 15mm Fantasy Figures
I’ve been working, off and on (more off than on) on a couple of 15mm fantasy armies for some time now. I got them out and started working on them again after being inspired by the figures in this gallery.
Generic Near Eastern “Bronze Age/Biblical” Figures
Mike Schubert of the Pretoria Wargames Club has an article on which Essex miniature wargaming figures to use to build armies of obscure near eastern bronze age armies, such as the Mitannians, Canaanites, Later Hebrews and Neo-Hittites.
15mm War Galleys
Here are a set of instructions for building 15mm models of ancient War Galleys from the Jackson Gamers.