Indian Mutiny Wargames Scenarios

These Indian Mutiny Wargames Scenarios are free, and designed for the Victorian Steel rules. The authors say, however, that they are easily adaptable to other rules systems.

Wargames Scenarios For Southern African Wars 1838 – 1884

Scenarios for the wars in Southern Africa from 1838 to 1884 is free, and designed for the Victorian Steel rules. The scenarios are easily adaptable to other rules sets, though.

Boxer Rebellion Game In 25/28mm

Here’s a photo video collage of a Boxer Rebellion game I ran a couple of years ago. The figures are all Old Glory. All figures and terrain were painted/made by yours truly.

Indian Hill Fort

Kalavantinicha Durg

Just a bit of awe inspiring eye candy

Darkest Africa Articles From Foundry

Wargames Foundry is offering online reprints of the classic Darkest Africa articles from Wargames Illustrated. I love seeing Foundry make a move back toward its gamer roots. The new management is to be congratulated.

The Darkest Africa articles include two rules sets and numerous background pieces.