Savage Survive Skirmish Rules

Savage Survive Skirmish is a set of free wargames rules for games set in a post apocalyptic winter.

Modeling Security Fences

18 Charlie has a photo tutorial on modeling security fences. These would look great on a modern, post-modern, or apocalyptic battlefield.

Part 1

Part 2

Carnage: Drive To Survive Rules

Carnage are a set of free wargames rules for auto combat in a slightly different world. The author explains:

Carnage is a racing battle game set in Britain in 2003 or so. Players take control of vehicles from humble Reliant Regals to top-spec Lamborghinis, and then kit them out with improbable Equipment and weaponry, with a view to slaughtering similar minded opponents. They take part in “duels”, (races against each other for honour, pride or cash….but mostly cash), in order to better their machines and skills for the next race. What the end goal is of all this, probably no-one knows, and the Police seem strangely absent from all this. Ah well, who said reality was fun?

Even Death May Die Zombie Rules

Even Death May Die is a set of free wargames rules for Zombie apacalypse games. The author writes:

Clocking in at 33 pages and nearly 8000 words, “Even Death May Die” is a 28mm zombie themed wargame. It uses eight-sided die and features rules for user-constructed battles as well as a campaign game rule set! There are multiple factions in the game, including Survivors, Zombies, Bandits, and the Military.

So yeah, this thing here has been a labour of love for me for the past few months, so I hope you guys find it enjoyable!
I look forward to hearing what you have to say!

Neutron York 3000 Skirmish Rules

Neutron York 3000 is a set of free wargames rules for skirmish games in a post apocalyptic future.