Samurai Blades Board Game

Samurai Blades is one of a series of board games published in 1984 by Standard Games and by now long out of print. The game was essentially a skirmish game played on a hex board, with cardboard miniatures. Each character in the game was represented by several pieces, each depicting a different level of damage and injury. The web page at the link has lots of resources for the game, including the rules and gifs, tiffs, and jpgs of the pieces and boards. This is really useful if you have the game but have lost one of those aforementioned damage markers.

Panzer Clash Print-and-Play Card Game

Panzer Clash is a free print-and-play card game with a World War II theme for 2-4 players. From the BGG decription:

Pick a side, either Axis or Allies, and build a deck of 40 cards out of a pool of 100 different cards in order to defeat your enemey.
The deck or Supply contains Factories, Units, Events and Terrain Modifiers. Factories are needed to build Units and Terrain Modifiers as well as to power Events. Units and Events, which usually belong to one or more of the four factions (Germans, Japanese, Americans and Soviets) are used to attack and deal damage to the opponent, have certain beneficial effects on the game or are used to weaken the opponent. For each point of damage a Player receives through Units and Events, he or she puts one card from his or her Supply (deck) onto his or her Junkyard (discard-pile). Is a player unable to draw a card from the Supply, he or she loses immediately.

Dr. Who Cosmic Encounter

Gamers of a certain age probably will have fond memories of Cosmic Encounter, which was first released in 1977. The game has gone through numerous incarnations, currently residing at Fantasy Flight. At the core of the game is the interplay between the various interstellar races. The owner of the Dice Monkey site has created some very nice Dr. Who themed alien races for Cosmic Encounter.

Overlords Of Infamy Print-And-Play

Overlords of Infamy is (for the time being) a free print-and-play game. The author writes:

In this game, you take on the role of an Evil Overlord ruling over subjects within his/her sizeable tract of land. The goal is to make your subjects as miserable as possible, while other Overlords are doing the same to their subjects. You accomplish this by harvesting a variety of materials to complete myriad Nefarious Plots ranging from “Steal Candy from Babies” and “Make Everyone’s Socks Slightly Damp” to “Blow up the Moon!” and “Resurrect the Old Gods”. All the while, there is a band of Adventuring Heroes from the Kingdom of Good going around trying to thwart all Overlord’s plans, other Overlords will be committing acts of Espionage against one another, and random world events will be triggered by World Tension from your actions!

Kill Doctor Lucky Print and Play

Kill Doctor Lucky is a new classic board game that has been through several editions since first publication in 1997. You can get a print-and-play of the original version at the link.