Hadrian’s Wall Paper Model

I’ve always wanted to do a Romans in Britain scenario. In recent months, I’ve been picking up Romans on Ebay as I’ve found them, and soon will begin looking for Celts and Gauls.

This paper model of a section of Hadrian’s Wall might come in handy. In the scale it’s in, you’d need 79 for a Roman Mile. The model is in black and white, but a little work with watercolor and a fat brush would quickly solve that

Hoplites Computer Game

Hoplites is a free computer card game based on the excellent GMT board game SPQR. I’ve played it and its a lot of fun. The card layout is reminiscent of the play in Columbia Games’ Gettysburg and Eagles games. There are also Samurai and Conan expansions. It’s an excellent diversion when you can’t get out your miniatures. Download the game here.

The Roman Army Illustrated

And now for the ultimate reference site on the Roman Army: Red Rampant. This has got wonderful illustrations for just about everything you can think of relating to the Roman army and its enemies. It’s like an Osprey book, only much, much cheaper.

Cynoscephalae Scenario

The battle of Cynoscephalae in 197BC pitted Greek phalanxes against Roman legions. This scenario recreates that battle for the Vis Bellica rules set.

War Machines In Warhammer Ancients

Jeff Jonas has an article on using war machines in Warhammer Ancient Battles. There are some nice pictures of painted Roman war machine models, and a good discussion of their use by the legions.