Ram or Die – Battle of Salamis Rules

Ram or Die is a set of free wargames rules (and paper figures!) for refighting the Battle of Salamis.

Last Stand – The First Battle of Thermopylae (480 BC) Rules and Figures

Last Stand – The First Battle of Thermopylae (480 BC) is a set of free wargames rules and figures for the classic last stand of the Spartans against the Persians.


Tanagra 457 BC Scenaro

The Othismos ancient wargaming blog has a Warhammer Ancients scenario for the battle of Tanagra from 457 BC, in which the Spartans faced the Athenians.

Greek Village Model

Eye candy time. Greg Kelleher has built a nice greek village for DBA.

Cynoscephalae Scenario

The battle of Cynoscephalae in 197BC pitted Greek phalanxes against Roman legions. This scenario recreates that battle for the Vis Bellica rules set.