Legio Wargames offers Legio VI Julia Augusta, a set of free wargames rules for battles of the late Roman Republic and Empire (100BC to AD250). They’re designed for 6mm, where one 20mm x 20mm stand equals a cohort.
Painting A Roman Legionary Tutorial
Over at MacPhee’s Miniature Men, there’s a tutorial on painting a Roman Legionary with craft paints. While I’ve found the craft paints to be of varying quality, they DO have the advantage of being very cheap compared to the Games Workshop, Vallejo and other “miniatures specific” paints.
Roman Army Uniforms
Who needs Osprey Books? The New York Public Library has a gorgeous set of color plates of the uniforms of the Ancient Roman Army.
Paper Testudo Model
For Warhammer Ancient Battles, here is a paper model of a Roman testudo in 25mm/28mm scale.
Roman Vexilla (Flags)
From the Red Rampant site comes an article on Roman Vexilla (flags, or standards). Useful information for anyone building a Warhammer ancients army of Romans.