Paul’s Bods blog has a photo tutorial on making a roman town. The photos of his roman town are quite impressive also.
The Die is Cast – Rules For The Battle of Pharsalus (48 BC)
The Die is Cast is a set of free wargames rules For The Battle of Pharsalus (48 BC), a decisive engagement between Caesar and Pompey.
The Battle of Adrianople Ancients Rules
The Junior General offers a set of free wargames rules — along with figures — for The Battle of Adrianople from 378 AD. Historically, things did not go well for the Romans against the Visigoths.
Century Ancients Rules
Century is a set of free wargames rules for playing ancients wargames set in the period 400BC to 150BC.
Against the Scourge of God – Battle of Chalons
Against the Scourge of God is a set of rules and a scenario for replaying the battle of Chalons. At Chalons, Romans under Aetius and Visigoths under Theoderic turned back an invasion of the Huns.