Fine Tuning Fire and Fury

Here are a set of house rules for “fine tuning” Fire and Fury, the great American Civil War rules set.

I’m not sure I’m on board with all of these.

Fire and Fury Scenario Generator Software

Vincent Tume offers a Fire and Fury scenario generator program. I can’t test it, because I don’t own a macintosh. But I’d really like someone out there to give it a go and tell me what its like.

Napoleonic Fury

Napoleonic Fury is a Napoleonic adaptation of the classic Fire and Fury rules.

Fire and Fury America’s Wars

I think Fire and Fury is the finest set of miniatures rules ever written. It has elegantly simple mechanics, fun gameplay and set the standard for high-quality rules presentation.

Now the Fire and Fury people are at work on a version for America’s other “horse and musket” wars: The Revolution, War of 1812, and Mexican War. You can find the playtest versions of Fire and Fury: Americas Wars here.