Fast Play Napoleonic Rules

Jon Linney offers a set of Fast Play Napoleonic Rules. The author writes:

These rules provide a fast paced game with simple rule mechanisms that allow players to concentrate on their tactics and enjoy the ‘look’ of their tabletop battle, rather than have their heads buried in rule tables. Elements shoot and fight individually but move and test morale within their unit. One or two rule mechanisms have been ‘adapted’ from other rule systems (as I liked them); as they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! Players will need a table approximately 6′ by 4′ laid-out with suitable terrain. At least one D6 die and a measuring device each (measuring stick or rule), and of course two opposing armies. The measurements are for 15mm figures.

Valeur Et Discipline Napoleonic Rules

Valeur Et Discipline is a set of free wargames rules for the Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars.

Napoleonic DBA Rules

Steve Burt has a set of free wargames rules for playing Napoleonics using DBA mechanics.

Resolve Napoleonic Rules

Resolve is a set of free wargames rules for Napoleonic warfare.

Simple Sails Rules

Simple Sails is a set of free wargames rules for Napoleonic fighting sail.