Fast Play Napoleonic Rules

Jon Linney offers a set of Fast Play Napoleonic Rules. The author writes:

These rules provide a fast paced game with simple rule mechanisms that allow players to concentrate on their tactics and enjoy the ‘look’ of their tabletop battle, rather than have their heads buried in rule tables. Elements shoot and fight individually but move and test morale within their unit. One or two rule mechanisms have been ‘adapted’ from other rule systems (as I liked them); as they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! Players will need a table approximately 6′ by 4′ laid-out with suitable terrain. At least one D6 die and a measuring device each (measuring stick or rule), and of course two opposing armies. The measurements are for 15mm figures.

Fast Play Medieval Skirmish Rules

Fast Play Medieval Skirmish Rules are

designed for fairly large-scale skirmishes; up to about 80 men a player. They will do for many periods or settings, so long as troops can be classed into three distinct broad categories of quality. The rules emphasise the importance of sticking together for mutual protection and the value of weapons with longer reach: spearmen can fight in two ranks, pikemen in three. Men in the second rank with javelins can support.
The rules recognise two ways in which figures may be combined, Contingents and Groups. Contingents are real units (e.g. a Contingent of 15 archers from Berwick under their bill-armed vintnar) and are used for organisational and morale purposes in these rules. A good size for a contingent is 32 points. Groups are temporary (sometimes fleeting) arrangements of men occurring in combat situations. Hand-to-hand combat is fought between Groups (which may be as small as one man each) and casualties occur almost at random within the Group

Also, an add-on for leaders and dueling.

March of Eagles Fast Play Napoleonic Rules

Victrix Miniatures has released a set of free wargaming rules called March of Eagles, which is designed to go with their plastic boxed miniatures. They write:

We commissioned Barry Hilton, League of Augsburg, to write a set of fast play Napoleonic rules. The rules are quick to learn, very realistic, extremely bloody and a game can easily be played within an evening. At present we are only publishing rules for infantry combat but we will be releasing supplements to cover artillery and cavalry.

These March of Eagles rules are included in each box of Victrix figures along with lots of cut out counters that are an aid to the rules. We have also included a very useful set of measuring devices within the sprue frame.

Fast Play Indian Mutiny Rules

Bob Berman offers a set of free fast play wargames rules for the Indian Mutiny, based on “a number of sources, including “From MacDuff to the Frontier” and “The Sword and the Flame.” They are designed for fast play, with all players on one side.”

D3 Norman Conquest Rules

The D3 Norman Conquest rules are designed as a set of low-complexity rules based on One Hour Wargaming rules and Dux Bellorum. It uses a square gridded tabletop.