Austerlitz To Waterloo Rules

Wes Rogers offers Austerlitz To Waterloo, a set of free wargames rules for Napoleonic warfare. The rules are designed for 25mm – 30mm figures, where one figure equals 25 men.

Nelson’s Wars Napoleonic Naval Rules

Nelson’s Wars is a set of free wargames rules for naval games in the age of Napoleon.

Napoleonic DBA Rules

The Bookranger offers a set of free wargames rules for Napoleonics using DBA mechanisms. The author writes:

These rules derive from the combined concepts put forward in the rules sets “De Bellis Antiquitatis” and “Chef de Battalion”.

It was envisioned that a player is likely to control a single Battalion within these rules (a battalion having 15 bases or more). However it is possible to play these rules with a single battalion represented by a single base, when playing large scale battles.

Column, Line and Square Napoleonics Rules

Column, Line and Square was the first set of Napoleonics rules that I ever played — and I suspect, the first set that many people played. We called it Column, Line and Slaughter, though, becuase slaughter was the usual result.

Still, it was fun to play –especially with 25mm figures.

Sadly, the set is apparently no longer in print. But you can get the rules here, free for the downloading.