Away Boarders is a neat little game for a little-considered theatre of war: The Great Lakes in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The author also includes some nice 2-D paper models of the ships, as well as counters.
War of 1812
54mm War of 1812 Skirmish Videos
Here’s a photo collage of our recent War of 1812 skirmish game. The figures are from a variety of manufacturers, including John Jenkins Design and King and Country. The rules are Song of Drums and Shako.
Niagara 1814 Scenario Book
Niagara 1814 is a scenario book for Blackpowder. As with any book of scenarios, however, they can be adapted to whatever rules set you play
John Bull / Patriots Graphics Upgraded
The Perfect Captain has upgraded the graphics for their free John Bull / Patriots game for the War of 1812 and the American Revolution.
John Bull and Patriots 2nd Edition
The Perfect Captain offers the second edition of John Bull / Patriots, their rules set for game of the American Revolution and War of 1812. These are the most visually striking rules sets available today — either commercially or free. And these are FREE!