The Rules With No Name

The Rules with No Name, the classic western wargames rules are available as a free pdf at The War Store.

Charge of the Light Brigade Rules

Charge of the Light Brigade is a set of free wargames rules in which each of five players controls a regiment of the Light Brigade in their fated charge.

Morschauser Meets MacDuff Rules

Morschauser Meeds MacDuff is Ross Mcfarlaine’s attempt to merge Joseph Morschauser’s 1962 rules with other influences to create a fast play horse and musket set of rules.

Featherstonian Rules For The Franco Prussian War

Tony’s Toy Soldiers’ blog offers a two-page set of Featherstonian Rules For The Franco Prussian War.

The Four Eyed Dog Is Dead Taiping Rebellion Rules

The Four Eyed Dog is Dead is a set of free wargames rules for games set in the Taiping Rebellion.

For what it’s worth, the Taiping Rebellion is one of the least known — and at the same time, deadliest — conflict in world history. Taking place in China from 1950 to 1864, best estimates say that the Taiping Rebellion resulted in between twenty and forty million dead.