Making Interlocking Modular Terrain Tiles

Here’s a tutorial on making modular terrain from interlocking foam floor tiles.

The Great War Naval Rules

The Great War Naval Rules is a very comprehensive set of rules for WWI Naval warfare.

Photos From Drums Along The Maumee Convention 2017

These are photos from the Spring 2017 Drums Along The Maumee wargames convention at Fort Meigs in Perrysburg, Ohio.

It’s good eye candy. Unfortunately, it has been long enough that I can’t rememebr the details of all the games. Experienced wargames, however, likely will recognize all the periods, and perhaps even some of the rules systems.

Tor.Com Science Fiction and Fantasy Website

Tor.Com is the official website of science fiction and fantasy publishers Tor, but its content is so much more than promotions for the latest books. I was reminded of how much I enjoy it when I received the latest newsletter/update. The site has articles on “The Trial of Galadriel,” the return of X-Files, Game of Thrones, the hHstory of Black Science Fiction, and more. The site also has short fiction free for the reading. Highly recommended.

Rise and Fall of the Third Reich Print-And-Play Gameboard

Here’s a high resolution file of the gameboard for Avalon HIll’s classic Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. The file is sufficiently high resolution that you can print an extra, extra large copy for mounting on, say, a wall.