Medieval Demographics For Fantasy Worlds

Creating a fantasy world? Running a medieval fantasy RPG? Here’s a great article onĀ Medieval Demographics, based on the Paris tax lists of 1292 and other original sources.

Making Crusaders From Plasticine Modeling Clay

For the more craft oriented among you, here are a few videos to guide you through making some plasticine modeling clay figures for the Crusades.

Historical European Martial Arts Documentary

Surprise, surprise. Hollywood has it wrong.

Here’s a documentary showing how historical swordfights really happened.

Building A Medieval Roadhouse

Terrain Thralls has an illustrated tutorial on making a half-timbered, two story roadhouse. The end result is beautiful, and would be useful in a wide variety of settings.

Medieval and Renaissance Flags For Download

The Krigsspil site has a huge number of medieval and renaissance flags available for downloading.