DBA Variants

Chris Brantley has collected this list of rules variants for the De Bellis Antiquitatis (DBA) ancients miniature wargame.

DBA Terrain Squares

David Kuijt has instructions on building terrain squares for DBA miniatures games.

Scratch-Building Wargames Terrain

Chris Brantley has a page with advice on scratch-building wargames terrain. It’s aimed at newbies in general, and DBA players in particular.

DBA Chinese Gallery and Dragon Tail Banner

Bill MacGillivray has a nice gallery of his Shang Chinese DBA army, and a Dragon Tail banner for you to save and print on your inkjet.The banner is in 15mm, but I’m going to resize it and use it for my Boxer Rebellion armies in 28mm.

English Civil War DBA Variant

The Solitary Wargamer offers a variant of DBA for the English Civil War.