Model Railroad Layout Based On Lovecraft’s Arkham

Arkham Model Railroad
Arkham Model Railroad

The Miskatonic Railroad is an HO scale model train layout based on HP Lovecraft’s Arkham in 1908. It is absolutely gorgeous to look at.

The Oldest Footage Ever Taken Of London

Fascinating stuff for history buffs … which I assume most of my readers are …

Color Photos Of Britain in 1939

Digital Photography Review (photography is one of my other hobbies, along with golf), has two articles containing some wonderful color photos of Britain in 1939. Very useful stuff, if you’re involved in inter-war, early war or that Very British Civil War games.



Photos of China circa 1912 in Color

As the owner of a large number of Boxer Rebellion figures, I appreciate these photos of China in color circa 1912. My guess is that this is pretty representative of China over a long period of time, and will be useful for gamers from the Opium Wars through the revolution.

Dictionary of English Slang 1909

For writers of steampunk and other Victorian / Edwardian era fare, here’s a free dictionary of English slang from 1909.