Firepower Naval Rules

Firepower is a set of free wargames rules for naval battles. The rules cover the period 1900 – 1945.

Red Hordes Russian Civil War Rules

Red Hordes is a set of free wargames rules for the Russian Vivil War. They’re similar to DBA/DBM.

Schwerpunkt Rules for Warfare in the Age of the Rifle

Schwerpunkt is a set of free wargames rules for conflicts from the late 19th through the 20th centuries.. The author writes:

Schwerpunkt is a set of rules I designed myself before I bought CLA.  Basically I asked myself what I wanted in a wargame and came up with the following criteria:
1) It had to be fast Playing
2) It should be capable of producing historical results
3) It had to be fun
With this in mind, I set about using all the rulesets I have ever played or read to come up with what I liked and didn’t like.

Iron Ships and Wooden Heads

Iron Ships and Wooden Heads are a set of free wargames rules for naval gaming “in the era of the big gun.”

Color Photos Of Britain in 1939

Digital Photography Review (photography is one of my other hobbies, along with golf), has two articles containing some wonderful color photos of Britain in 1939. Very useful stuff, if you’re involved in inter-war, early war or that Very British Civil War games.

