Britain’s Bloody Crown: The Mad King

This episode is an interesting look at how Henry VI’s psyche led to the Wars of the Roses

Making Half Timbered Thatched Roof Country Cottages

Here’s a nice photo tutorial on making half timbered, thatched roof country cottages.

Clockpunk Blog

Clockpunk is like Steampunk — except it’s set in the Renaissance. The science fiction sub-genre is set in a Renaissance where technology that was invented many years later comes into play. Here’s a new blog called DaVinci Automata dedicated to the genre. Plenty of ideas here — especially if you already (as many of us do) own Renaissance era figures.

I remember playing a game at a Chicago convention some years ago called DaVinci something-or-other that involved a large number of Leonardo DaVinci’s war engines. It was a lot of fun.

Aztec Army Photos

My brother is in the process of painting a couple of Aztec-era armies. Here are a couple of links with some nice eye candy: An Aztec army, and a Mixtec and Zapotec army.

The Battle of Towton Documentary

Painting up a couple of Wars of the Roses armies has been on my project list for some time. I found this documentary informative and inspiring.