Unintentionally Funny Fantasy Gamers Review “Black Powder”

In this video, two fantasy gamers review “Black Powder,” the historical rules set from Warlord Games.

The video highlights the often wide gulf in attitudes, expectations and language between fantasy/science fiction and historical gamers.

From just the first few minutes

“Lets talk a little bit about the factions … The French … always good at shooting … British … always were fighting. …  The Russians … from the Crimea.”

“You can always decide whether you’re a married or unmarried Zulu …”

“Believe it or not there aren’t any points in this game.”

“It’s very hard (the lack of points) because there is a lot of agreement to be had in this book … because generally I sit and I bend twist the rules to see who can get the most advantage … while this book is sort of an agreed ‘your commander is this and my commander is that.'”

Don’t get me wrong. I am not mocking the guys who made this video. What I find humorous is the gulf in our hobby. It reminds of of the quote from Winston Churchill, who once quipped that the English and the Americans are two people separated by a common language.

Dracos Rampant – Lion Rampant Rules For Early Imperial Rome

Cirencester Wargames has a set of modifications for the popular Lion Rampant games to allow you to play games set in Early Imperial Rome.

Horde of the Dead Game

Horde of the Dead is a free print-and-play game of zombie survival.

Warmaster Ancients Late Roman Counters

The League of Ordinary Gamers offers sets of print-and-play counters for playing Warmaster Ancients without the investment of time and money. Their latest is a set of counters for Late Romans.

Core Spell Book PDF For Frostgrave

Here’s a free, printable pdf of the core spellbook for Frostgrave