Natholeon’s Empires offers a set of free wargames rules for the Franco Prussian War.
18th Century
Lace Wars Rules
I have occasionally wondered whatever became of Father Aelred, a frequent contributor to the late, lamented MWAN magazine. Here is a set of rules for Lace Wars in the “manner of the good father Aelred.”
Furious Reason Rules 18th Century Rules
Furious Reason is a set of free wargames rules that combines Fire and Fury with Age of Reason.
OMOG Musket Rules
OMOG Muskets is a set of free wargames rules for small unit actions in the horse and musket era, 1700 – 1849.
Firelock and Scalplock Rules
Firelock and Scalplock is a set of free wargames rules for wars on the American Frontier in the 1700s. You have to join a Yahoo group to get the set. But if you’re interested in the period, there are also a lot of other goodies there.