Making Desert Bases

Big Lee’s Miniature Adventure has an article comparing various methods for making desert bases for 6mm figures. The techniques, of course, can be applied to any scale.

950th Anniversary of the Battle of Hastings

October 14 is the 950th Anniversary of the Battle of Hastings.

(Your Name Here) And The Argonauts

(Your Name Here) and the Argonauts is a solo, print-and-play game of Greek mythological adventure. The game changes through multiple replays, and thus has a bit of a campaign feel.

Making A Dice Drum

If Dice Towers and whiskey tumblers aren’t your style, how about a Dice Drum to contain your rolls? Wargames Designs has an article on how to build a Dice Drum. Scroll halfway down the page for the article.

Pike and Shot Rules

John Armatys offers a set of Pike and Shot rules for fighting large, multi-player English Civil War battles.