Zombie Rancher Game

Invisible City Productions offers Zombie Rancher, “A post-zombie apocalypse game of entrepeneurisim for two or four players.”

Frag Zombies

Frag Zombies is a set of rules for combining Steve Jackson’s Frag game with Journeyman Press’ Zombies! board game. Of course, ownership of both sets is required, so I’m not sure how useful it will be.

Zombie Infection Simulation v2.3

Ok. This is neat. It’s a Java window that shows how fast one infected individual can destroy a population.
Zombie Infection Simulation v2.3

Living Dead Zombie Rules

Living Dead is a set of free roleplaying rules for the zombie apocalypse.

Unheroic Samurai

Unheroic Samurai is a set of free wargames rules for combat with classical Samurai versus undead horrors.