Genestealer Cult and Space Marine Chapters For 1 Page 40K

One Page 40K is a simplified version of the seminal miniatures wargame. The rules now offes data for Space Marine Chapters and Genestealer Cults.

SMART Gaming Fantasy and Medieval Rules

SMART stands for Simple Miniature Adventure Rules and Tactics. They’re a set of free wargames rules for fantasy and medieval gaming.

Coreheim: Mordheim Updated Rulebook

Coreheim is an updated rulebook for the venerable Games Workshop Mordheim system. I liked Mordheim (and its predecessor, Necromunda). I should get them out again to play.

Best Alles 18th Century Wargames Rules

Best Alles is a set of free wargames rules for 18th century games. To get the rules, you need to join the Yahoo Group.

Napoleonic Wargames Rules

Paul Leniston offers a set of free wargames rules for Napoleonics. He and his gamer wife have been playing and testing them for many years.