Undying Lands Fantasy Wargame

Undying Lands is a set of free wargames rules for fantasy battles. What’s interesting about these rules is that they ask players to base the figures as a “vignette” where the number of figures on a stand makes no difference.

Clobberin’ Time Superhero Skirmish Rules

Clobberin’ Time is a set of rules for fast superhero skirmishes.

Malifaux 2nd Edition Rules

The second edition Maifaux Rules are available free for the downloading.

2d6 Sword and Sorcery

2d6 Sword and Sorcery from Two Hour Wargames is available as a free pdf download. It is designed as a beer-and-pretzels style adventure game.

Frostgrave House Rules

Here are a set of houserules for Osprey Publishing’s Frostgrave.