Edgar Rice Burroughs ‘Zine

EGBZine is an online archive of more than 10,000 pages of Edgar Rice Burroughs goodness — stories, articles, art and more. If you’re contemplating (as I am) a John Carter of Mars game, this is a good place to start.

Flash Gordon Style On Seat Flyer Speeder

For your pulp science fiction games, here’s a paper model of a Flash Gordon style single seat speeder-flyer.

Zeppelin vs Pterodactyls

For some incredible pulp inspiration, watch the Zeppelin v Pterodactyls short. It’s a montage of clips from old, unrelated movie serials.

Pulp Era Modifications for Rezolution Rules

Beowulf The Hunter offers some modifications for using the Rezolution rules for playing your pulp-era miniature wargames. He writes:

First let me say, I love the Rez rules. I have been and always been luke warm on the figures/setting. My current love has been Pulp. Thus I have tried to blend the two into a fun quick paced playable game.

For those who are unfamiliar with Pulp, it is the genre of literature that takes place between the end of WWI and the start of WWII. If you have seen movies like the Rocketeer, or Indiana Jones, or Sky Captain you have seen Pulp.

The following modifications allow you to use the Rez rules to play a Strapping Hero and his Dangerous Dame against a sinister villian and his horde of mooks. There realy are no point value for characters and the creation rules are pretty free form so you could have a Villian who uses his mental powers to twart the heroes while sacrificing minions to prevent damage or a martail arts using hero with a heavy gun toting sidekick.

These rules allow for 3-10 models per player and you can have free for alls. All rules are as presented in the rulebook.

Historic Lost World Newspaper Pages

Fans of Lost World type games may be interested in some harticles on the Cryptomundo site that sow early 20th century newspaper stories on the search for the Mokele-mbembe, a dinosaur-like creature thought by some to still be alive in Africa. You can also look at the articles in a pdf format.