Heroscape One On One Matchup Calculator

This online calculator uses math to

calculate the exact win probabilities and average length of battle in number of attacks (which is the same as number of half turns in the absence of multiple attacks, frenzy, or squads). The average survivors is the average number of life or figures left assuming that the figure or squad wins.

Colonial Rules For Heroscape Terrain

If you are lucky enough to have acquired HeroScape terrain, you may be interested in these Colonial Rules For Heroscape terrain.

Modifying Heroscape Terrain

Wargaming Miscellany has a post on modifying Heroscape hex tiles.

Heroquest Stats Sheet

Here’s a high resolution pdf file with the stats from all Heroquest figures through Wave 6. Printed out, it would make a handy reference sheet.

Solidscape 3D Heroscape Map Viewer

Solidscape is a bit of software that converts Heroscape maps created with Landscape into fabulous looking 3 dimensional view.