Here’s an impressive set of Flickr photos with atmospheric Warhammer 40K images.
Gangs of Skavenblight
Gangs of Skavenblight is an Warhammer Fantasy adaptation of Footsore Miniatures’ Gangs of Rome Game. It features, as you might imagine, gangs of Skaven fighting for control of the city of the Horned Rat.
All of the links below are to pdf files.
Battle of Ephesus Scenario
The Othismos blog has a Warhammer Ancients scenario for the battle of Ephesus, fought in 499 BC between the Persians and an allied Greek force.
Tanagra 457 BC Scenaro
The Othismos ancient wargaming blog has a Warhammer Ancients scenario for the battle of Tanagra from 457 BC, in which the Spartans faced the Athenians.
Modeling Terrain For Kill Team and 40K
I’ve been on a Kill Team kick lately. It gives me the flavor of the full Warhammer 40K game at a fraction of the expense and time. I have thus been searching for some