Ninth Age Alternate Warhammer Fantasy Rules

Given the general fan anger over the direction Games Workshop has taken its Warhammer Fantasy property, it is no surprise that fan written alternatives have cropped up. One is The Ninth Age, a a set of free wargames rules for playing mass fantasy battles. It looks very well done, and has a large number of army books.

Old School Warhammer Fantasy Scenario Scans

The Realm of Chaos site has scans of a 1986 White Dwarf Warhammer Fantasy scenario: Glen Woe

I love the Games Workshop stuff from that era. So much imagination and charm.

Warhammer Fantasy Chaos Lord Painting Tutorial

The Massive Voodoo blog has a tutorial on painting a Warhammer Fantasy Chaos Lord. Lots of good techniques there.

Warhammer Napoleonics

Warhammer Napoleonics is a set of stat lines and modifications for using the basic Warhammer Rules for the Napoleonic period.

Charge! Warhammer Fantasy Battles Skirmish Game

The Realm of Chaos Blog has a post on an old school (1988) Warhammer Fantasy Skirmish game