The Singapore miniature wargaming group that calls itself the NapNuts offers a page of Napoleonic Uniform Guides.
Evolution of Napoleonic Uniforms
The Evolution of Napoleonic Uniforms website is an ambitious work. It is not by any means complete (could any project of this scope ever be complete, given the number of variations?), but is worth browsing through.
La Haye Saint Diagrams
This site has some pictures and diagrams from the Sharpe film that centered around La Haye Saint. This is an outstanding resource for anyone wanting to build their own model of the farmstead.
Russo-Swedish War History and Gaming Ideas
For Napoleonics gamers looking for “something different,” there’s the Russo-Swedish war. Here’s some background and gaming possibilities: Russo Swedish War of 1808-1809
Free Waterloo Articles Bundle From Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy
For the 200th anniversary of the Waterloo campaign, Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy offers a free downloadable bundle of articles from their magazine.