Les Uniformes de l’Armee Francaise contains a series of marvelous images that will work very well as a painting guide.
Napoleonic Uniform Glossary
Newcomers to wargaming the Napoleonic Wars can be bewildered by the uniform terminology. That’s where the Napoleonic Uniform Glossary comes in handy. This site has photos of various uniforms and identifies the parts.
Cossacks vs French In Russia
Here are a few photos from our group’s recent game of Cossacks versus French in 1812 Russia. The French were attempting to hold onto a town while foraging for supplies; the Cossacks wanted to drive off the French while looting the countryside. As the game progressed, increasing numbers of Cossacks came in from the countryside to join the fun, while French reinforcements were also funneling in.
The figures and terrain were all by Bob Marshall, whose wargaming talents are eclipsed only by his talents as a cowboy troubadour.
Battle of Montebello Board Game
MultiMan Publishing offers a free boardgame of the Battle of Montebello (June 9, 1800).
The Napoleonic Source Book by Philip Haythornthwaite
Philip Haythornthwaite’s The Napoleonic Sourcebook is a good place to start for a basic understanding of the Napoleonic Wars. The volume is divided into six major sections: The Campaigns, Weapons and the Practice of War, The Nations Involved in the Wars, Biographies, Sources, Miscellaea and a useful glossary. There are more than 200 black and white illustrations, maps and charts. For the painter, the book has descriptions of various uniforms and lists of uniform, facing, hat and button colors.