Imperial Guard vs Zombies is a set of modifications for Warhammer 40K
The Miniature Wargaming Editor
Terrene Print-And-Play Worldbuilding Game
Terrene is a print-and-play game
where 2-6 players have to build a world with tiles to compete against each other and complete quests and win the game. The existing tiles are forests, mountains, fields and water tiles. In order to complete the quests the player has to combine these different land tiles and create the desired pattern for the quest criteria. If the player succeeds they will be awarded by the quest points and be able to move their meeple on the score board. Throughout the game there should always be three main quests visible for all players on the table until the quest pile is empty. Each player also receives a hidden quest only visible for the player and upon completion the player recieves a new private quest card.
Chinese Visual Sourcebook
I like to make my wargaming terrain as authenthic as possible. I found the Chinese Visual Sourcebook to be useful when I was working on my 25mm Boxer Rebellion project.
1450 – 1550 Renaissance Wargames Rules
1450 – 1550 is a set of free wargames rules for playing miniature games set in the renaissance. The author says it’s “slightly more complicated than Tactica.”
Doom: The Next Chapter Role Playing Game
Doom: The Next Chapter is both an RPG, and a tabletop strategy game based in the Doom universe. It is a great example of how role playing mechanics can carry over to miniatures gaming.