Battles For Empire Free Colonial Scenario Book

Hotz Art Works offers a free scenario book for Colonial conflicts. It’s designed for Battles for Empire II, but any clever gamer is more than capable of converting these to their favorite system. In the book:

  • Imperial Attack: The Battle of Tamai, Sudan, 1884
  • Native Assault: The Battle of Khambula, Zulu War, 1879
  • Native Ambush: The Battle of Ahmed Kheyl, Afghanistan, 1880
  • Native Ambush: The Battle of Intombe, Zulu War, 1879
  • Imperial fighting withdrawal: Fictional battle, Sudan, 1883
  • Imperial raid: The Battle of the Rosebud, Plains War, 1876
  • River Crossing: The Battle Of Nyzane, Zulu War, 1879
  • Siege: Rorke’s Drift
  • Gunboat Assault: Opening The Yangtze, Fictional, Boxer Rebellion, 1900
  • Native Assault: The Battle of Isandlwana, Zulu War, 1879

Blaze Away WWII Rules

Blaze Away is a set of free wargames rules for company and battalion level actions in World War II. It’s designed for 10mm – 20mm figures.

Combat Action Science Fiction Rules

Combat Action is a set of free wargames rules for science fiction skirmishes. The author writes

Combat Action is a strategy game of small-scale conflicts. It can be used to simulate skirmishes with a dozen models per side or larger conflicts with multiple squads, vehicles and support weapons. The system presented in this book comprises two levels of detail: a system for small scale games where each model on the battlefield is a separate unit, and a second layer which adds rules that govern targeting, simulate chains of command and allow for larger engagements of forces. The point system will allow you to design any creature, vehicle or model you like and field any model you create on the battlefield. These rules are designed with the 25 to 30mm scale of miniatures in mind. Converting it to other scales of miniatures should not be a problem however, since there are few explicit range measures involved.

Mars Or Die Rules

Mars Or Die is a set of free wargames rules for Victorian era games set on Mars.