Dinosaur Cowboys

Dinosaur Cowboys is a set of role playing / miniatures rules that reminds me of the old comic Cadillacs and Dinosaurs. It looks like a lot of fun.

The Sword In The 20th Century

The Sword In The 20th Century is a variant of Larry Brom’s classic The Sword and The Flame colonial rules.

Rifle and Kepi 19th Century Rules

Martin Rapier offers Rifle and Kepi, a set of free wargames rules for large scale battles of the 19th Century.

Puritan Casualties In King Philip’s War

The Historical Journal of Massachusetts has an informative article on King Philip’s War. The 1675 – 1676 conflict was the bloodiest in American history, when population is taken into account. From the abstract:

Recent scholarship has underscored the carnage inflicted by King Philip’s War (1675-76). Colonists faced a diverse assortment of Native Americans led by Wampanoag sachem Metacom (whom the colonists referred to as King Philip). In terms of population, King Philip’s War was the bloodiest conflict in American history. Fiftytwo English towns were attacked, a dozen were destroyed, and more than 2,500 colonists died – perhaps 30% of the English population of New England. At least twice as many Native Americans were killed. Some historians estimate that the combined effects of war, disease, and starvation killed half the Native population of the region. The war left an enduring legacy.

The Water Margin Samurai Rules

The Water Margin is a set of free wargames rules for oriental skirmishes.