Viking Raid Wargames Rules

Viking Raid is a set of free wargames rules for carrying out a competitive Viking raid. The set uses playing cards as an integral mechanism.

Dark Ages Eye Candy

The Veni Vidi Vici site has some great photos of Dark Ages miniatures. I’m painting a variety of Dark Ages armies and always like to reference other peoples’ painting projects. These are really good.

Viking Painting Guide

Kurtis Brown offers a one-page painting guide to Vikings.

Note: the link above is dead, and an email to Kurtis bounced. So I went to the Wayback Machine and retrieved a copy of the page. It is preserved below for posterity.

Viking Raid Rules

Viking Raid is a set of free wargames rules that uses playing cards for action resolution.

Modeling A Viking Longboat

Here’s a nice video tutorial on making a Viking longboat.