Imperial Mars Miniatures Rules

Imperial Mars is a set of free miniatures rules for games set in a Mars that has been colonized by the imperial powers. The author writes:

The level we have set for these actions is fairly small scale, the idea being that the transportation of large armies to the red planet is far too expensive to consider. A company of earthling infantry works out to about 24 figures, which gives a good level of playability. The Martians we use, and thus those used in the body of the rules, are either humanoid or reptilian, this is due to the selection of figures available. For simplicity I will refer to them as regular and large Martians (with or without fries!).

Whilst we cannot claim that these rules are “generic”, how could they be? We like to think that the system is so simple and open ended that any “new” races or weapons can be quickly slotted in. This seems to be so simple that most of our games involve some rule modification for the scenario. Anyway I hope that you enjoy them and at least find something in them of use.

These rules were developed initially for 10mm figures though I can see no reason why they cannot be used for other scales.

Victorian Robots

The Mechanical Marvels of the Ninteenth Century site is a lot of fun, describing various fictional victorian robots. A good resource for Gaslight and Victorian Science Fiction miniature wargames.

Aeronef Logs

Similar in spirit to the late, lamented Space:1889 cloudships rules, Aeronef is about Victorian era armored flying gunships. There are some outstanding ships’ logs for the game here.

Fistfull of Tripods Rules

Ty Beard’s Fistfull of Tripods is a set of free wargames rules for fighting battles from H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds. It is a tactical level game, where one stand is a platoon. I’ts designed for 1/300 (6mm) scale figures.

NOTE: This is an updated URL. The old one was no longer working.

Land Ironclad Model

There has been a surge in interest in playing “Battles by Gaslight” in 15mm scale. No steampunk miniature wargame would be complete without a land ironclad or two. This 15mm Land Ironclad paper model fits the bill. It is based on one portrayed in a 1903 short story by H.G. Wells. From Ralph Currell.