Building A 3D Space Hulk

Although it was essentially a rip-off of Aliens, as a game, Space Hulk was one of GW’s best game efforts. Here’s a tutorial on building your own 3-D Modular Hulks.

Paper Dungeons and Starship Decks

Germ’s World has a two sets of paper corridors for use as terrain with your wargames: a set of dungeon corridors and a set for science fiction. The sets include wall sections of various lengths, crossroads, junctions, staircases, archways, pits, traps and more. They are easily as good as many of the commercially available sets. You could use these for any number of games, including Games Workshop’s Space Hulk or Warhammer Quest, WizKids’ MageKnight Dungeons, or just a regular Dungeons and Dragons slaughterfest.