Napoleonic Uniform Glossary

Newcomers to wargaming the Napoleonic Wars can be bewildered by the uniform terminology. That’s where the Napoleonic Uniform Glossary comes in handy. This site has photos of various uniforms and identifies the parts.

Pirate Figures Comparison

Frothers United, UK has this page which compares various lines of miniature wargaming pirate figures.

Fur Wars

Fur Wars is a set of free wargames rules for battles in colonial America. It’s based on Tod Kershner’s well-known Pig Wars rules.

Pulp Pirate Comics and Stories

Comic Book Plus has a collection of pulp pirate comics and stories.

Rebels and Redcoats: The Shot Heard Round The World — Documentary Series

This is the first episode of Rebels and Redcoats, a BBC series. You can watch the entire thing on YouTube.