Battle Dice Fantasy Game

Battle Dice is a set of free wargames rules for a game of fantasy battles where dice represent the units.

44: A Game of Automatic Fear – Free RPG

44: A Game of Automatic Fear is a free rpg set in a 1950s where a conspiracy is replacing humanity with robots.

Painting Checked Patterns Tip

Iron Mitten has a tip on painting checked patterns on your miniatures. He uses it on Celt Cavalry, but there are innumerable periods that could use this tip.

Gunfighter Print-And-Play Card Game

Gunfighter is a pay what you want print-and play card game. From the author’s description:

GUNFIGHTER is a Wild West themed dueling game where each player equips seven skills (cards) that remain for the entirety of the duel. These skills are mainly used to shoot, dodge, and aim – but also have various unique effects.

During the duel, both players take their actions at the same time. The goal is threefold: increase your two main stats (accuracy and bullets), successfully land shots on the enemy, and avoid the enemy’s shots.

While the goals are straightforward, the many combinations of individual playstyles and possible skillsets create opportunities for players to try and “read” their opponents and play mindgames with each other.

Canon Papercraft

Canon offers a huge variety of papercraft animals, toys, vehicles and architecture. There may be something here for your miniature wargames.