Shellshock Combat System

The Shellshock Combat System is a comprehensive set of free wargames rules for WWII, Modern and Science Fiction combat. Designed for micro scale (1/285), it features three “levels of play”: basic, advanced and “blitzkrieg” (fast play).

World War II Role Playing Game

The World War II RPG by Mikko Kauppinen is designed as a simple game that is deadly to low level characters, but that allows more powerful characters to do very cinematic actions. Characters have three attributes and a number of skills. Action resolution is done by rolling 1d6, subtracting the result from the relevant attribute and adding one. If the result is more than zero, the character has succeeded, and bigger numbers mean greater successes.

1-48 Combat WWII Skirmish Rules

1-48 Combat is a set of free wargames rules for WWII skirmish, designed for two players commanding a single squad.