East Front Sniper Game

In East Front Sniper, each player acts as a World War II Soviet Sniper, competing to rack up the most kills.

Painting a World War II Marine

The Pacific Theatre in World War II is a relatively neglected period in miniature wargaming. I think that it has a lot to do with the lack of sexy things like tanks and SS uniforms. But it shouldn’t be that way. It has a lot of colorful troop types (think Ghurkas), and the matchless US Marine Corps.

Here’s a page with advice on painting US Marines.

Painting Japanese World War II Soldiers

As I said in a recent post, I think that WWII in the Pacific Theatre is a deserving, if underappreciated, period. (I’m regretting selling my Japanese and Marines a few years back). Here’s some advice on painting the Japanese.

Saving Private Ryan Beach Scene

On D-Day, here’s the truly terrifying Omaha Beach landing scene from Saving Private Ryan.

How Eva Braun’s Underwear Ended Up In An Ohio Thrift Store


The Daily Beast has an interesting article about the market for Nazi memorabilia, war collectibles, and how a thrift store in Ohio may just have a pair of Eva Braun’s panties.
