Modeling Tree Bases

The Joy and Forgetfullness Blog has a useful post on modeling good looking tree bases.

Modeling Trees From Sedum

Here is a series of nice blog posts on making trees from the garden plant “sedum”




Scouring Pad Trees

Matakishi’s Tea House has a tutorial on making scouring pad pine trees. I ran across it while looking for instructions on building scouring pad hedgerows. No luck there yet.

Modeling The Nailwood

There was a guy in our group who constructed an entire forest out of nails and sponges. It seemed like a good idea until one of the players leaned over the table and his hand came down on one of the trees.

Still, if you’re brave enough, here’s how to do it.

Make Your Own Foam Foliage

Kings Minis has a nice article on how to make your own foam foliage. My wife is doing upholstery on the kitchen chairs, and the’s likely to be surplus of foam. I can’t wait!