Microlite ’81 Tablet Edition

Microlite ’81 is now available in a tablet-friendly edition. The author writes;

The Microlite81 rules are based on the two boxed sets (Basic and Expert) published in 1981, often referred to as B/X. The rules are not intended to be a clone of the B/X rules, but rather a conversion of them to a rules-lite D20-based system that encourages old-school play without strictly old-school rules. Microlite81 is based on the third edition of the original Microlite74 rules.

Tarnhelm’s Terrible Tome 0e D&D House Rules

Tarnhelm’s Terrible Tome is a set of house rules for the 1974 edition of Dungeons and Dragons. The author writes:

Tarnhelm’s Terrible Tome is a set of house rules for the original 1974 (0e) version of the world’s most popular tabletop fantasy roleplaying game (and modern clones, like Swords & Wizardry). These house rules are modern renditions of the house rules the author used with his original edition games in the 1970s.
Some of house rules included:

  • A simple “skills” system based on class and background instead of lists of skills
  • A Hit Point/Body Point system where Hit Points represent fatigue and Body Points represent actual wounds.
  • Ritual Magic
  • An alternate alignment system
  • Critical Hits and Critical misses
  • A class based weapon damage system that ends class weapon restrictions.
  • An optional Armor system that ends class restrictions on wearing armor
  • An optional class: the Mnemonic Mage
  • Optional Divine Intervention rules

This digest-sized edition of Tarnhelm’s Terrible Tome is designed to be printed double-sided using the booklet-printing feature of Adobe Acrobat, the pages can be folded and stapled to create a “0e” style digest-sized booklet.

Microlite 74 RPG Tablet Friendly Edition

Microlite 74 is a set of free role playing rules that emulates the original edition of a certain world famous role playing game.

Free D&D Elemental Evil Players Guide

Wizards of the Coast offers the Dungeons and Dragons Elemental Evil Players guide as a free download.

Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Coloring Book

A little bit of nostalga here: There’s a Flickr set of illustrations from the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons coloring book, circa 1979