African Exploration Online Game

The History Channel has an online, flash game about African Exploration. You roll dice (virtually), and try to accumulate miles and supplies, and avoid hazards. Its fun, and I can see a way to turn this into a neat miniatures game … I’m sure my friend Bob from Ann Arbor could pull it off.

Guide To the Zulu Army of 1879

The Wargames Factory — makers of hard plastic historical figures — offers a free 22 page article on the Zulu Army of 1879. Not coincidentally, Zulus are the current product on their list.

Square Hearts Colonial Wargames Rules

Square Hearts is a set of free wargames rules for colonial wargames in the 19th and early 20th centuries. It’s played on a square grid.

The US v The Philippine Insurgents

Savage and Soldier magazine has a good introductory article on the US v Philippine Insurgents in the early part of the 20th Century. It’s always struck me as a period that would make for a good game.

Jack Scruby’s African Colonial Wargames Rules

Here’s a set of African Colonial wargames rules from the Godfather of American Wargaming, Jack Scruby.