Republican Roman Army List For Punic Wars

Tony Edwards offers this Warhammer Ancients Battles list for a Republican Roman Army in the Punic Wars.

Chinese Visual Sourcebook

I like to make my wargaming terrain as authenthic as possible. I found the Chinese Visual Sourcebook to be useful when I was working on my 25mm Boxer Rebellion project.

Riot Control Police Work Like Ancient Battle Line

I have seen different sources for this video variously claiming that it is either of German, or Korean riot control police. In any case, it is an impressive demonstration of tactics that surely would have been familiar to a well-disciplined ancients army. This has it all — reinforcing and refreshing of lines, forward movement, retreat …

Warmaster Ancients Late Roman Counters

The League of Ordinary Gamers offers sets of print-and-play counters for playing Warmaster Ancients without the investment of time and money. Their latest is a set of counters for Late Romans.

Destruction of Pompeii Animation

I loved this video animation of the destruction of Pompeii. What strikes me about it, though, is that there seemingly was ample time to get the heck out of dodge.