Combined Arms 2000 Board Game

Combined Arms 2000 is a free print-and-play board game for modern era combat. The description from Board Game Geek:

Combined Arms 2000 is a light wargame simulating armored warfare using modern technology. It features a realistic scale for both movement and fire (1 space = 1 kilometer), a good selection of vehicle and infantry types, off-board fire support, and fixed-wing air support.

Players build armies from parts of a shared deck, then fight! The attacker has only ten turns to seize his objectives. Wise use of reserves, clever scouting, and bold maneuver are all needed to attain victory.

This is a free print & play release on BoardGameGeek. Print cards and box to 110 lb cardstock, and rules to a single sheet of typing paper. Heavy lines on the box are cut lines; lighter lines are all mountain folds.

Color Photos From The US In The 1930s and 1940s

Fans of pulp and other inter-war gaming might be interested in seeing these rare color photos of life in the US in the 1930s and 1940s. It should give you some good ideas about colors.

The US Philippine War In Photos

Here’s a neat photo album – history of the US Philippine War 1899 – 1902.

The Nagziger Collection Online

For many years, George’s Nafziger’s collection of orders of battle for conflicts dating from the 1600s to the 1900s have been a mainstay of the historical wargaming community.

Once available only commercially, Nafziger recently donated his collection to the Army’s Combined Arms Research Library.

The actual files are available as pdfs here. But as they’re numbered and not named, you’ll also want to consult the finding aid here. And a search function.

Christmas At War

Painting by Robert Blair from the US Army Military History Site

Here’s a nice Christmas story from WWII. This site has some WWII Christmas pictures.