Making Swamps, Marshes and Boggy Ground Scenery

This video does a good job of explaining how to make some nice looking swamps, marshes and boggy ground scenery for your wargames table.

Brytenwalda Age of Arthur – Saxon Invasion Rules

Brytenwalda is a new set of very professsionally done free wargames rules for battles in the Dark Ages – Age of Arthur – Saxon Invasion period. It’s a neat set, but what I really like is the attitude of the authors:

Brytenwalda is an open set for mature gamers.

It is open because, as Creative Commons licensed project, you’ll be free to adapt the game in any way you feel more confortable with. There is no written in stone rules, you can change whatever you want. You can even set this rules into another time: in Brytenwalda you’ll find the rules to create your own warriors or whole warbands so, why not playing in the times of Rome, the Crusades or in a fantasy world?

It is for mature gamers because it is not focused in competitive manners nor thought as game for tournaments. This is just for fun… and fun is what a game should be.

MAWS Ancients Rules

The Manchester Area Wargames Society offers a set of free wargames rules for ancients.

How To Make Cork Bark Rock Faces For Wargames Scenery

Simple World War II Naval Rules

This is a set of simple one page rules for WWII naval warfare.