Making A Warhammer 40K Shrine

The Iron Hands site has some instructions for making a neat Warhammer 40K shrine.a

One Page Kill Team

One Page Kill Team is a set of free wargames rules for small scale skirmishes in the 40K universe.

40K Unlimited Warhammer 40K Fan Rules

40K Unlimited is a set of fan created alternative rule for Warhammer 40K.

One Page 40K Chapter Lists

The One Page 40K Rules have been updated to include lists for various Space Marine chapters.

Activation Roll, Action Point Alternate Skirmish Rules For Warhammer 40K

Gemini is a set of alternate skirmish rules for Warhammer 40K that use an Activation Roll, Action Point system.

There seem to be quite a few people who love the Warhammer 40K Universe, but who are less than enamored with the rules.