Men and Supermen Super Hero Role Playing Game

The Men and Supermen Role Playing Game is designed to allow super powered characters to fight along side normal characters. In doing this the RPG takes on what I think is one of the most difficult of tasks — creating a common scale between units of disparate strength.

Under The Broken Moon Role Playing Game

Under the Broken Moon is an RPG based on the Thundarr the Barbarian cartoon series. The game uses a mechanic where you roll a number of dice equal to your trait score and sum the results.

Death or Glory Fantasy Role Playing Game

Death or Glory uses a percentile dice system and has medieval, magic and firearms supplements. In addition, there are rules for a medieval board game that allows you to lay out larger battles.

Pulp Avengers: Game Mastering in the 1930s and 1940s

Pulp Avengers is a sourcebook for role playing in the 1930s and 1940s. It’s perfect for providing a realistic background for your games of the Pulp era.

Imaginality Card Driven Universal Role Playing Game

Imaginality is a universal RPG where the action is resolved by playing a card from a hand of seven. This adds an additinal element of strategy, because payers get to decide when they REALLY need to succeed, and when they can afford to take a risk, or live with a lesser success.